How Aligned are Swiss Companies with the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures (October 2024)

How Aligned are Swiss Companies with the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures (October 2024)

How Aligned are Swiss Companies with the Ordinance on Climate Disclosures (October 2024)

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Led by Enfinit and supported by Climada Technologies, Pelt8, engageability, ecosecurities, E4S, Walder Wyss and MDD

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What is in the research?

-        Legal insights: Get up-to-date on the latest regulatory developments

-        Climate Reporting: Current status of climate reporting in Switzerland under the Ordinance on Climate Reporting

-        Physical Risk Disclosures: Explore how Swiss companies are reporting on physical climate risks

-        Transition Planning: Deep dive on how Swiss companies disclose information about their Transition Plans

-        Reporting under CO 964a-c: An analysis of the scope, format and content of first reports.

-        Nature Reporting: Update on status of nature-related disclosures among TOP100 companies

-        Innovation in Reporting: How digital tools are revolutionising climate reporting

-        Carbon markets: How can Swiss companies use carbon markets to complement their transition plans

-        Best practices from top Swiss companies